springboot Failing to build spring-boot

Building of Spring boot fails due to messages:Task :spring-boot-project:spring-boot-devtools:checkFormatMain FAILEDTask ...

springboot Polish README.adoc

Updated minor grammar mistakes in the README.adoc file.Comment From: snicollThanks for the follow-up @Abdullah8006 and f...

springboot Merge Spring Security and Spring Test classes for Spring MVC and Spring Webflux

Hi, I wanted to create a security module in order to factorize classes that I write over and over again in all my Spring...

springboot Dependency resolution fails with Gradle 5.3.x to 5.6.x

Forward port of issue #19783 to 2.3.0.M1.

springboot Unable to set spring.liquibase.database-change-log-lock-table and spring.liquibase.database-change-log-table

Hello, I have generated a database changelog using Liquibase from an existing database (to which I added some tables), a...

springboot Provide a way to customize RedisCacheManager

Spring Boot uses CacheManagerCustomizer to customize cache managers. RedisCacheConfiguration calls a list of CacheManage...

springboot Upgrade Java 11 version in CI image

Forward port of issue #19763 to 2.3.0.M1.

springboot Upgrade Java 11 version in CI image


springboot Upgrade Java 11 version in CI image

Forward port of issue #19763 to 2.2.4.Comment From: snicollClosed by https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/comm...

springboot No good enough information about db reconnect

Hello,We all have a problem with disconnected databases that at some point recover.To recover we restart the database an...

springboot Provide empty Optional for missing values when using @ConstructorBinding

I'm attempting to use immutable @ConfigurationProperties objects with @ConstructorBinding. Despite the opinion of many,...

springboot Upgrade to Cassandra driver 4

The Cassandra 4 driver comes with several changes (in comparison to the 3.x driver). An upgrade requires some coordinati...

springboot Upgrade to Reactor Dysprosium-SR4

Reactor Netty 0.9.4 will be released on Monday and fixes a back compatibility issue

springboot Bug in org.springframework.boot on 2.2.3.RELEASE version

Hello, I got the bug in org.springframework.boot on 2.2.3.RELEASE version, literally on org.springframework.boot:spring-...

springboot Ant smoke tests do not seem to run tests

Hi,I initially was looking into a warning in the build caused by spring-boot-smoke-test-ant not setting includeantruntim...

springboot AutowireBean () of AutowireCapableBeanFactory failed to inject bean, returned undefined

spring boot 2.2Comment From: cielswift@Autowired private AutowireCapableBeanFactory capableBeanFactory;capableBeanFac...

springboot Overview of @Scheduled methods (spring-boot-actuator)

We use @Scheduled annotation to schedule some tasks. But they are hidden at runtime and can be forgotten easily. It woul...

springboot Allow custom url in @AutoConfigureTestDatabase

This allows a custom URL to specified in @AutoConfigureTestDatabase.It was not straightforward:We leverage org.springfra...

springboot Add config property for CodecConfigurer.maxInMemorySize in WebFlux

As of spring-projects/spring-framework#23884, Spring Framework supports configuring buffering limits on the webflux code...
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