springboot After Loading the Application context object created through new operator was not loading all the instance variables

Hi,After loading the context through application.xml. Then autowired annotation is working when the object is created t...

springboot Spring Boot's antlib references a properties file that is no longer packaged in its jar

Forward port of issue #19552 to 2.3.0.M1.

springboot Spring Boot's antlib references a properties file that is no longer packaged in its jar


springboot autoconfigure spring.resources.add-mappings causes interceptor invalid

When I use spring.resources.add-mappings autoconfigure, at the same time registe a interceptor which 'PathPattern' is no...

springboot Memory leak in PartTreeJpaQuery after upgrade from 2.1.9 to 2.2.2

We bumped spring boot from 2.1.9 to 2.2.2 not so long ago, and right after that we started getting OOMs from time to tim...

springboot Eager ${server.port} property initialization to use in test properties

Using WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT the actual port value available during test execution; in case test property reffer to ...

springboot .maxSessionsPreventsLogin(true) is invalid


springboot Support DevTools condition evaluation delta across JVM restarts

This is a follow on from #9115 to enhance the current implementation to persist the condition evaluation report so that ...

springboot Avoid 406 Not Acceptable for error pages

Backport for #19522

springboot Spring boot JPA with different parent for entity and service

I have two different maven projects in first I am trying to keep two modules one for "repository and entities" and secon...

springboot Error thrown during destroy method should be logged

Scenario: spring-boot-starter-parent v2.2.1.RELEASEMethod on @component class 'Foo' annotated with @PreDestroy throws an...

springboot 这个是什么错误,部署到服务器报错了 用到Kotlin写到

NOTE: Picked up JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS: --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED...

springboot Spring bootRun daemon option

On one of our projects, we have the need for integration tests to be run with rspec. This means we have to bootRun in a ...

springboot Remove deprecated usage of WebTestClientBuilderCustomizer

Hi,this PR removes a remaining usage of the deprecated org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.reactive.WebTest...

springboot Remove deprecated usage of WebTestClientBuilderCustomizer

Forward port of issue #19536 to 2.3.0.M1.

springboot One case of @ConditionalOnMissingBean does not work

HiI tried to give @ConditionalOnMissingBean one of bean method in default config class as a default bean. When there is ...

springboot RedisHealthIndicator unable to recover from authentication failures

When a Redis (non-cluster mode) server requiring authentication is restarted the Spring Boot Actuator RedisHealthIndicat...

springboot Spring MVC auto-config doc update

The documentation refers to WebMvcRegistrationsAdapter which no longer exists. I've also taken the opportunity to improv...

springboot Spring MVC auto-config doc update

Forward port of issue #19521 to 2.3.0.M1.
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