springboot HazelcastAutoConfiguration not respecting @AutoConfigureBefore

I believe there may be a need to make HazelcastClientConfiguration public or auto config.I was creating my own auto-conf...

springboot Fix wrong property reference to keys-to-sanitize in Javadoc

When I use the /actuator/configprops endpoint to get the @ConfigurationProperties bean details.I want to show the sensit...

springboot Fix wrong property reference to keys-to-sanitize in Javadoc

Forward port of issue #21916 to 2.4.x.

springboot Fix wrong property reference to keys-to-sanitize in Javadoc

Forward port of issue #21906 to 2.3.x.

springboot Devtools SilentException triggers debug

Comment From: philwebbI still can't find a way around this :(Comment From: philwebbCould be an STS/IntelliJ feature. Lea...

springboot Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.36

Comment From: rmkandaVulnerability tomcat-embed-core-9.0.34.jar (pkg:maven/org.apache.tomcat.embed/tomcat-embed-core@9.0...

springboot When spring mvc customizes WebMvcConfigurer, adding GsonHttpMessageConverter to converter will cause stack overflow.

When spring mvc customizes WebMvcConfigurer, adding GsonHttpMessageConverter to converter will cause stack overflow.Spri...

springboot Create a default certificate and turn on SSL by default.

The creation of SSL certificate is complex. Using HTTP alone is not enough security. Creating SSL certificate automatica...

springboot AvailabilityChangeEvent does not carry generic information

SynopsisI was experimenting with the new Kubernetes probes support in Spring Actuator. The official documentation sugges...

springboot AvailabilityChangeEvent does not carry generic information

Forward port of issue #21898 to 2.4.x.

springboot Upgrade Spring Retry to 1.3.0

Managed Dependency UpgradeYou DO NOT need to raise an issue for a managed dependency version upgrade as there's a semi-a...

springboot When OneIndexedParameters is set to true, fallbackPageable should be one-indexed


springboot Dependency management for Kafka 2.5 on nonexistent org.apache.kafka:kafka_2.11:2.5.0

I tried upgrading one of my projects' dependency on spring-boot-dependencies to 2.3.0, only to be met by errors mentioni...

springboot Allow promote and sync to central to continue after manual Bintray publish

Currently if promote fails, we need to do the sync-to-central and release notes generation manually. We should see if we...

springboot Allow promote and sync to central to continue after manual Bintray publish

Forward port of issue #21474 to 2.4.x.

springboot PropertiesLauncher cannot load a resource in jar via URL

Before, a spring boot application that used PropertiesLauncher (archived by spring boot maven plugin with ZIP layout) ca...

springboot Support iso offset date time format via special value for spring.mvc.format.date-time

I have to use DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME in Spring MVC controllers with OffsetDateTime parameters.It would b...

springboot Can't use convert annotations on Kotlin data class ConfigurationProperties

Consider the following Kotlin data class for holding ConfigurationProperties:@ConstructorBinding@ConfigurationProperties...

springboot Reinstate disabled test once reactor/reactor-netty#1093 has been resolved

Forward port of issue #21437 to 2.4.x.

springboot Reinstate disabled test once reactor/reactor-netty#1093 has been resolved

https://github.com/reactor/reactor-netty/issues/1093Comment From: philwebbThe linked issue has been resolved.
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