springboot Upgrade to SpringData MongoDB 3.0 and MongoDB Java Driver 4.0

SpringData MongoDB intends to upgrade to the MongoDB Java Driver 4.0 (sync/reactive) with the Neumann (M1) release. This...

springboot MbeanServer should not be mandatory in KafkaMetricsAutoConfiguration

Now (Spring Boot v2.2.4.RELEASE) Kafka Autoconfiguration metrics are using JMX , but by Micrometer is not mandatory foun...

springboot spring.db.datasource.driver-class-name is not used by HikariCP

While migrating from Spring Boot 1.x to Spring 2.x getting following error while bootstrapping the application.Invocati...

springboot Upgrade to spring-javaformat 0.0.20

Forward port of issue #20011 to 2.3.0.M2.

springboot Upgrade to Ant 1.10.7

Hi,this PR upgrades spring-boot-antlib and spring-boot-smoke-test-ant to Ant 1.10.7.Cheers,Christoph

springboot log4j-over-slf4j not exists in spring-boot-starter-logging/pom.xml

Recently I am upgrading from spring boot 1.5.4 to spring boot 2.2.4. After upgrading to spring boot 2.2.4, I am getting ...

springboot 2.3.0.M1 accidentally reverted to using jersey-spring4 rather than jersey-spring5

Hi,apparently with the move to Gradle we're specifying org.glassfish.jersey.ext:jersey-spring4 again, although we did sw...

springboot LiquibaseEntityManagerFactoryDependsOnPostProcessor is not called since spring-boot 2.2.0

Since upgrading to spring-boot 2.2.0 (from 2.1.9), our Liquibase changelogs are no longer deployed before the Hibernate ...

springboot Tomcat port

Comment From: wilkinsonaDuplicate of #20006.

springboot Tomcat port

Comment From: wilkinsonaThanks for the PR, but these changes are not what #17073 intends to do. We want to change the be...

springboot ISSUE : 17073 : If Port is < 0 then issue with starting web server

Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@sandeshm22 Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to manually synchr...

springboot Polish

This PR fixes some typos and polishes trivial stuff.Comment From: snicollGah, 😫 Thanks again @izeye!

springboot Polish

This PR fixes some typos and polishes trivial stuff.Comment From: snicollThanks again @izeye

springboot Add DeferredImportSelector that runs before/after auto configuration

Hi,I wrote custom DeferredImportSelectors and corresponding annotations that run before/after auto configurations for my...

springboot Made setDefaultProperties(Map) duplicate the map passed in, rather th…

I recently had an issue in a project that was calling app.setDefaultProperties(Map) and passing in an immutable map. Wor...

springboot Failure Notifications on Scheduled Jobs / REST endpoints

Failure in scheduled jobs can be tracked only by monitoring the logs as it does not break the application. There can be ...

springboot Exposing Scheduled Jobs as REST endpoints to allow adhoc executions

Currently Scheduled Jobs are triggered only as per defined schedule, however there is always a need to schedule these jo...

springboot Liquibase autoconfiguration not running in spring boot 2.2.4 and liquibase-core 3.8.5

Hi all, I have isue with liquibase configuration, liquibase don't running at startup. I migrate spring boot from 2.1.11....

springboot Jar files added after build time are not loaded

The Cloud Foundry Java Buildpack adds jar files to a container while staging the application for running on CF. With Boo...

springboot Drop getDefaultDirsLayer and getStackLayer from EphemeralBuilder

The methods are not needed since the layers are already present.
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