Spring Simplify use of HttpContext in HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory in support of user associated connections

As described in the Apache HttpClient docs a pooled connection may be associated with a user, for example if there is a ...

Spring UriComponentsBuilder.addPath() needs behavior documented in regards to slashes

Version: 5.2.5-RELEASEWe're using spring hateoas (webflux version) and noticed that our links have a missing slash betwe...

Spring DefaultClientResponseBuilder empty logPrefix when creating a DefaultClientResponse based on another

Affects: 5.2.6.RELEASEThe current implementation of DefaultClientResponseBuilder doesn't allow a logPrefix to be specifi...

Spring Document whether code can rely on specific subclasses of HttpClientErrorException/HttpServerErrorException being thrown from DefaultResponseErrorHandler

From perusing the code, I discovered that DefaultResponseErrorHandler will throw subclasses of HttpClientErrorException/...

Spring Default value for @Value for all properties

If we don't have a value for a property we get below error. This error can be avoided by setting a colon : with or witho...

Spring About springCache

When I use @cacheable, cacheNames doesn't support SpEL. What should I do?Comment From: bclozelThanks for getting in touc...

Spring Allow handling of HTTP CONNECT in WebFlux

I'm trying to simulate an CONNECT HTTP request using MockServerHttpRequest, but it only receives HttpMethod as valid met...

Spring Introduce serializeToByteArray/deserializeFromByteArray convenience methods

Our SerializationDelegate and the underlying Serializer/Deserializer interfaces are usually used with byte arrays. Intro...

Spring Avoid StringBuilder.append(Object) in ContentDisposition

The return type of expression (c == '"' && !escaped) ? "\\\"" : c is Object, which implies a call to StringBuild...

Spring Kotlin + JDK 12: Illegal reflective access by org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils to java.lang.Enum

Affects: Spring Framework 5.1.5Language used: KotlinOther Dependencies: Web, Neo4jThe error can be reproduced using the ...

Spring Repeatable Read HttpServletRequest InputStream

Cannot Read HttpServletRequest,getInputStream() Multi Times.When I readed HttpServletRequest.getInputStream() in the Fil...

Spring Improve output from logging the map of request mappings [SPR-17450]

Gleb Tlaloc opened SPR-17450 and commentedMVC mappings was automatically logged in previous releases of Spring MVC. This...

Spring DefaultServerRequestBuilder does not respect attributes when building the ServerRequest

Affects: \<5.2.6>spring-webflux. The class org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.DefaultServerRequestBu...

Spring Unable to proxy-upload large file

Affects: 5.2.4 (Webflux)I am building a simple proxy-upload-service which takes an uploaded file and uploads it to anoth...

Spring View Controller In Spring WebFlux [SPR-17031]

Ankur Pathak opened SPR-17031 and commentedTheir is no support for View Controller In Spring Web Flux.Why not have addVi...

Spring Fix behavior in ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver.setResponseBodyAdvice

Removed the clear() call on the responseBodyAdvice listbefore adding the passed list to it in the setResponseBodyAdvice....

Spring Add iterable JDBC template to process large amount of data [SPR-13900]

Michael Osipov opened SPR-13900 and commentedI have a usecase where I need to write a table with millions of rows to an ...

Spring Make use of HttpServletMapping when available

UrlPathHelper determines the portion of the path to use for application mappings which is the path after the contextPath...

Spring @TransactionalEventListener not works, TransactionSynchronizationManager.registerSynchronization works well

@TransactionalEventListenerpublic void A(){...}@Transactional...public void A(){...A();}coding as above, while method A ...

Spring Drop unnecessary intermediate StringBuilder.toString() call in ServerSentEventHttpMessageReader

Apart from simplification this transformation is likely to bring faster code which consumes less memory.Comment From: jh...
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