Spring Avoid ClassCastException on IllegalArgumentException when invoking sync get cache method

Avoid some exception cause ClassCastExceptionLet's take a look at ConcurrentMapCache.java @Override @Nullable p...

Spring Avoid full synchronization in AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext.getBeanFactory() since it can lead to massive thread blocking


Spring Support for shared GroovyClassLoader in GroovyScriptFactory

Affects: Spring Framework 4.3.4I use ScriptFactoryPostProcessor to create Groovy class bean and register in spring conte...

Spring Possibly wrong annotations

In Spring Data Jpa (at least since 2.2.x, still present in 2.3.x) there seem to be some wrong annotations. Unless this i...

Spring Support wildcards in @PropertySource

Fix #21325Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@inardz Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to manually ...

Spring Merge pull request #1 from spring-projects/master

合并spring官方代码Comment From: pivotal-issuemaster@chengwenyue Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to ma...

Spring Fix execution order of @AfterReturning and @After methods in ReflectiveAspectJAdvisorFactory

When using the @AfterReturning and @After to implement AOP function, the program always call the method annotated by @A...

Spring Optimize cache usage in DefaultListableBeanFactory.getBeanNamesForType()

Current Versions,The set value is not assigned to allBeanNamesByType attribute when the property is obtained.This method...

Spring @ModelAttribute support to builder pattern [SPR-13415]

Raffaele Litto opened SPR-13415 and commentedSpring @ModelAttribute has no way to support builder pattern, unlike suppor...

Spring Document how reactive transactions work for cancellation in 5.2 and how it will work in 5.3

Affects: 5.2.6, current masterBriefly: according to my observations, Spring commits a transaction when a 'transactional ...

Spring DefaultServerRequest bug with pathVariables when using MockServerRequest and MockServerWebExchange

Affects: 5.2.5DescriptionIn 5.2.5 version MockServerRequest has been deprecated in favor of ServerRequest.create(ServerW...

Spring Implement reliable invocation order for advice within an @Aspect

OverviewThe AspectJPrecedenceComparator was designed to mimic the precedence order enforced by the AspectJ compiler with...

Spring In the yaml file, use @Value annotation to parse the attribute to get an error value

My configuration file is application.yml, and the content is as follows:bizlimit: common: startTime: 05:00 endTim...

Spring update

update fileComment From: pivotal-issuemaster@qq1026290752 Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!Click here to ma...

Spring Update documentation - @Cacheable cannot be used on @PostConstruct

I found out that @Cacheable cannot be used on a @PostConstruct because CacheAspectSupport may be initialized after the c...

Spring Performance enhancement in execution of ResponseEntity.of()

Hi Team,I think I have found a very small performance enhancement when using ResponseEntity.ofCurrently the code for the...

Spring HttpHeaders equals may return false without comparing actual content

Backport of gh-25034Comment From: spring-projects-issuesFixed via b22e67066821eb89516f40c6d3e49012c1aada6fComment From: ...

Spring HttpHeaders equals may return false without comparing actual content

In 5.1 HttpHeaders became a MultiValueMap and it became possible to wrap existing HttpHeaders instances rather than copy...

Spring Why remove org.springframework.cache.guava.GuavaCacheManager in Spring 5.0?

In Spring 5.0, I found GuvaCache and GuavaCacheManager has been removed, and use CaffeineCacheManager instead, remove a...

Spring Spring not showing reason in RuntimeException class

Spring version: 2.3.0.RELEASEJava Version: 8I'm trying to handle de reason of a excetopn class:@ResponseStatus(code = Ht...
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