Spring Default cache implementation causes OOME

Hi, according to documentation, Spring under the hood uses ConcurrentHashMap that as we know is unbounded and lacking TT...

Spring How to extend distributed lock in CacheAspectSupport Class

spring cache is very usefull and convenient. for example, It's easy to use @Cacheable, @CacheEvict,@CachePut . but it h...

Spring CaffeineCache with LoadingCache

When CaffeineCache is created with a LoadingCache, the LoadingCache isused with the method public ValueWrapper get(Objec...

Spring CaffeineCache does not support LoadingCache consistently

Hi allCaffeineCache implementation override method public ValueWrapper get(Object key) and there is a specific check whe...

Spring Refactoring opportunity in HandlerExecutionChain

I was reading Spring's code base and stumbled upon this:public class HandlerExecutionChain { private static final Log...

Spring added possibility to extend ModelAttributeMethodArgumentResolver

Added possibility to extend ModelAttributeMethodArgumentResolver , in order to populate objects in same way, but with di...

Spring Constructor based bean binding should support url path variables, not only request parameters

Currently (Spring 5.2) we can not use constructor based bean binding of path variables as we can with request parameters...

Spring Spring MVC - Kotlin: Cannot bind MultipartFile in constructor [SPR-17640]

Ryan Bohn opened SPR-17640 and commentedWhen using spring mvc with Kotlin,  I prefer to use data classes  with immutable...

Spring Add necessary semicolons

Comment From: quaffSemicolon is not required by java enum and groovy.Comment From: diguageSemicolon is not required by j...

Spring Version number not displayed in ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException

Affects: spring-orm:5.1.9 releasesample exception thrown message:org.springframework.orm.ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureE...

Spring Synchronized blocks in MethodOverrides are hurting concurrency

Affects: 5.1.x, 4.3.xThe fix for issue #18905 introduced synchronized blocks into the MethodOverrides class to fix a rac...

Spring Spring 5.2.2 documentation index incorrect

Affects: \Spring 5.2.2I hope this is the right place to report issues regarding the documentation.It seems that the docu...

Spring Require RSocket 1.0 as minimum version

RSocket removed in 1.1 some classes deprecated in 1.0 (see https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-java/commit/6daa2ebb07c00d...

Spring Generate a CacheCreatedEvent from the Spring Caching Abstraction [SPR-17350]

Tyler K Van Gorder opened SPR-17350 and commentedNow that Spring Boot 2.x uses Micrometer for its metrics abstraction, i...

Spring Standalone MockMvc ignores @RestControllerAdvice annotation attributes

MockMvc created by MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup() ignores @RestControllerAdvice annotation attributes but works well ...

Spring Jackson message converters and codecs do not respect character encoding in canRead/canWrite

Affects: org.springframework:spring-web:5.1.15.RELEASEXML webservices seem to be limited to unicode encodings. Using ja...

Spring Clarify how to avoid favoring path extensions as well as deprecation warnings

Affects: 5.2.4.RELEASEAccording to 24179 favorPathExtension is deprecated, and we should all use the Accept header, whic...

Spring Consider updating the default Hibernate dialect for MySQL databases

Please consider updating the default Hibernate dialect for MySQL databases.org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJ...

Spring Cron Expression validation [SPR-14933]

Arcadius Ahouansou opened SPR-14933 and commentedWith Spring, the CronSequenceGenerator.parse()method does not seem robu...

Spring Wrong error message for type mismatch in jsonPath().value()

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