CassandraProperties is currently mapped to There isn't any property that is Spring Data specific so it sounds like a mistake when the support was added.

We should remap it to spring.cassandra for consistency with other stores.

Comment From: mp911de

Note that schemaAction has no effect without Spring Data Cassandra. There's a similar arrangement with MongoDB where MongoProperties does not depend on Spring Data MongoDB.

Comment From: snicoll

Yes, so the plan would be to move that to a CassandraDataProperties.

There's a similar arrangement with MongoDB where MongoProperties

Thanks, that's useful context for us to figure what to do and when.

Comment From: snicoll

And looking a bit more Redis is spring.redis but the auto-configuration is Spring Data specific.

Comment From: mbhave

Probably related: #11574

Comment From: wilkinsona

Thanks, @mbhave. This looks like a dup of #11574 to me.