The HikariDataSource dataSource method in the DataSourceConfiguration class uses the annotation @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource.hikari") , but the annotation used by DataSourceProperties is @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource"); If yml does not write spring-datasource-url, an error occurs. But spring:datasource:hikari: jdbc-url already provides url

Comment From: amoswxz

springboot  springboot 2.0.1.RELEASE and hikaricp springboot  springboot 2.0.1.RELEASE and hikaricp

Comment From: philwebb

I'm not totally sure I'm understanding the issue as it's being reported. The spring.datasource properties are general purpose properties that apply to all datasource types. The spring.datasource.hikari properties are specific to Hikari.

If you specify spring.datasource.url in your yaml it should be applied to Hikari (see this line of DataSourceBuilder).

Can you please clarify the problem that you're seeing and ideally provide a small sample that replicates it?

Comment From: amoswxz

Hikaricp provides the spring-datasource-jdbc-url, why use a spring-datasource-url, otherwise it will error springboot  springboot 2.0.1.RELEASE and hikaricp @philwebb

Comment From: philwebb

I'm sorry. I'm still not following. What error are you seeing? Please provide a sample.

Comment From: amoswxz

springboot  springboot 2.0.1.RELEASE and hikaricp Do you think the url in the red box can be removed? @philwebb

Comment From: snicoll

@amoswxz are you configuring the datasource yourself? If you are then it might help saying that because that's a different problem that is covered in the documentation.

If you don't, sharing screenshots is not helping I am afraid and sharing a sample we can run ourselves that exhibits the problem you are describing would help us.

Comment From: amoswxz

Sorry, I have expressed some problems。 Configure hikaricp in yaml:

      jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql:/xxxx/amos?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false
      password: xxx
      driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

This configuration is wrong;Because of missing spring-datasource-url configuration @snicoll

Comment From: bclozel

Please share a minimal sample application that we can git clone or download, and that reproduces the issue you’re having. This is the most efficient way to move forward with this - more comments won’t really help I’m afraid.


Comment From: snicoll

@amoswxz also, if that helps, spring.datasource.hikari properties are meant for advanced customizations of the pool. Basic settings such as url, username/password, etc should be specified with spring.datasource. It looks like you are mixing the two (which you shouldn't). As Brian pointed out, we don't understand the problem you are reporting so please share a sample we can run that demonstrates it.

Comment From: amoswxz

@snicoll I probably understand what you mean. Configure user name password, jdbc-url, should use spring-datasource, should not use spring-datasource-hikari to configure jdbc-url?

Comment From: snicoll

If you are using the auto-configuration, then you should read the related section in the reference documentation that states that,

You should at least specify the URL by setting the spring.datasource.url property

The argument is that the standard options will still work even if you switch to a different connection pool. Your configuration above is incorrect as a central piece of the datasource is configured with a connection poll specific setting.

All in all, the connection-pool specific namespace is meant to configure advanced options. The url of the datasource is not an advanced option. There is no reason to start configuring things in two different places. If that's what you want, please create your own DataSource bean and do not use the auto-configuration.

Comment From: amoswxz


Comment From: amoswxz

What I don't understand is why this is the design. Spring-datasource-url already exists, why spring-datasource-hikaricp-url. Thank you @snicoll

Comment From: EmielSito

What I don't understand is why this is the design. Spring-datasource-url already exists, why spring-datasource-hikaricp-url

@amoswxz I'm not 100% sure but I believe it is because Spring-datasource-url is the default usage. and if you use spring-datasource-hikaricp-url it means you are going past the default usage and into advanced usage. basically spring-datasource-hikaricp-url will override Spring-datasource-url because now you are configuring things yourself ( advanced mode)

@snicoll Thumbs up if this is the correct understanding ( in simple terms) ?

Comment From: snicoll

It's a bit more complicated than that. spring.datasource.hikari.* is used to configure advanced settings of Hikari as you've mentioned and above all connection pool specific settings.

spring.datasource.* is guaranteed to work with the connection pools that we support. So you set the url, password, etc there and depending on the supported connection pool on the classpath, we auto-configure it with that information.

Now the problem of the question @amoswxz was asking is that when we expose the settings for HikariDataSource we do expose the bean as a whole and we have no way to "remove" settings that are duplicate. It's a limitation and I agree it can be confusing.

Comment From: jianglin1008

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource.hikari") working as expected?

Comment From: snicoll

@jianglin1008 please ask questions on Stackoverflow.