Currently spring-boot-autoconfigure contains quite a bit of code that would also be useful if manually configuring and application. For example, we have many *Properties classes and functions that map them. We should investigate if splitting out a spring-boot-configure module would be worthwhile.

This new module would be particularly useful for projects like since it would allow them to call well designed public configuration APIs, rather than trying to work with the existing auto-configuration classes which were never really designed to be called directly.

Comment From: wilkinsona

The configure in the name of the module has been niggling me a little bit as the module won't configure anything in the @Configuration sense. Given that we've described Boot in the past as being convention-over-configuration, the way that I've now started thinking about it is that the new module will encapsulate Spring Boot's conventions and spring-boot-autoconfigure will become the module that automatically configures those conventions. That led me to wonder if the new modules should be called spring-boot-convention or spring-boot-conventions rather than spring-boot-configure. Convention could be used in class names for things like WebMvcConventions, AmqpConventions, etc and avoid overloading Configuration.

Comment From: snicoll

I like the WebMvcConventions part quite a lot!

Comment From: wilkinsona

We don't think this is worth pursuing at this time. Splitting the code in this manner will roughly double the number of classes that are involved in auto-configuring a component. The costs of this (increased memory usage, slower startup time) will outweigh the benefits.