First: I don't know if there are any reason to avoid upgrade OkHttp to 4.x. Sorry if I'm sending PR about already rejected topic.
- Upgrade OkHttp to 4.4.1
According to, 4.x has strict compatibility for 3.x. So upgrade to 4.x by dependency management is safer than typical major upgrade.
Binary compatibility is the ability to compile a program against OkHttp 3.x, and then to run it against OkHttp 4.x. We’re using the excellent japicmp library via its Gradle plugin to enforce binary compatibility.
2 test cases are updated due to OkHttp's internal field name is changed. (
Also InfluxDbProperties is changed due to issue in influxdb-java.
- Under OkHttp3, influxdb-java sends "Authorization: encode(null:null"
- Under new version of OkHttp, null username & password not leads illegal BasicAuth configuration but throws NullPointer exception.
- Anyway, if user don't use auth, nothing affected I think.
This issue fixed in, but not released yet.
Comment From: wilkinsona
Thanks for the PR, but this has already been considered and rejected.
Comment From: kazuki-ma
Oh, sorry i don't find it. I understand your concern. I seek forward to upgrade it (and spring boot 3.x!)