Issue begins starting in version 2.1.10.RELEASE of spring boot and corresponding Spring Rabbit / AMQP dependencies.

These errors repeat themselves in the logs infinitely:

Attempting to connect to: [***]
Restarting Consumer@3f954424: tags=[[]], channel=null, acknowledgeMode=AUTO local queue size=0
[AMQP Connection ****:****] An unexpected connection driver error occured (Exception message: Connection reset)

These errors begin during server startup.


Downgrading to version 2.1.9.RELEASE resolves the issue. I tried figuring out which library upgrade in AMQP / Rabbit caused this, but I was unable to pin it down.

It may be that the issue was introduced in one of the following library version upgrades:

  • spring-amqp:2.1.11.RELEASE > spring-amqp:2.1.12.RELEASE
  • spring-rabbit:2.1.11.RELEASE > spring-rabbit:2.1.12.RELEASE
  • spring-integration-amqp:5.1.8.RELEASE > spring-integration-amqp:5.1.9.RELEASE

These are just speculation, but my best guesses at a smoking gun.

Comment From: mbhave

@brianwyka Are you seeing the same issue with Spring Boot 2.1.11.RELEASE? If so, could you provide a small sample that we can run to reproduce the issue?

Comment From: brianwyka

Yes, I see the same issue with 2.1.11.RELEASE. I don't have a sample unfortunately since this is part of a larger project. However, here is what we are declaring for dependencies:

Spring Cloud Stream





      enabled: false
    addresses: amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672
    connection-timeout: 4000

When downgrading to 2.1.9.RELEASE of Spring Boot, I also downgraded to Spring Cloud Dependencies version Greenwich.SR3

Comment From: mbhave

@brianwyka I tried reproducing this locally using the example in the Spring Cloud Stream Reference Docs and I was able to see the application connect to my locally running RabbitMQ server.

I don't think there's much we can do without a sample that reproduces the error. If you're able to extract out the bits of your application that cause this error, it's probably a good idea to raise it in the Spring Cloud Stream Issue Tracker. If it turns out that it is indeed a bug in Spring Boot, we can reopen the issue.