Comment From: juliojgd

With this upgrade this issue is reproducing again, broking SSL connections on some (frequent) cases:

HttpClient 4.5.10 was working. I think it should be downgraded to 4.5.10

Comment From: juliojgd

If affects 2.2.5 but also 2.1.13 @snicoll

Comment From: wilkinsona

Thanks for the suggestion, but downgrading a dependency is something that we try to avoid. While it may be the right thing to do in your case, other users may not be affected by the problem that you're seeing but do require some of the other changes in 4.5.11.

If you would prefer to use 4.5.10, you can use the httpclient.version property to do so.

Comment From: juliojgd

Thanks, I am using that property to downgrade, but I think that SSL wildcard certificates is something a lot of servers are dependent of, and can break a lot of connections. Only for your consideration :-)