When I have two remote profiles my version is 2.1.2 application.yaml: ```spring: cloud: gateway: routes: - id: cf_admin_route predicates: - Path=/admin/privilege/permission-tree/get-permission-tree uri: lb://cf-admin-api - id: sea_admin_route predicates: - Path=/admin/privilege/ uri: lb://sea-api - id: swagger_route predicates: - Path=/swagger/{segment}/ uri: lb://{segment} filters: - StripPrefix=2 - SetUri=lb://{segment} - id: health_route uri: forward:///actuator/health predicates: - Path=/health
spring: cloud: gateway: routes: - id: im-server-socket predicates: - Path=/ws/cs-im uri: ws://im-server:9008 - id: kratos-api-web-socket predicates: - Path=/api/kratos/socketIo/wwChat uri: ws://kratos-api.zelda:9008
I will lose the following configuration:
- id: swagger_route
- Path=/swagger/{segment}/**
uri: lb://{segment}
- StripPrefix=2
- SetUri=lb://{segment}
- id: health_route
uri: forward:///actuator/health
- Path=/health
Comment From: lnfdxwl
who can help me ,thanks
Comment From: wilkinsona
As described in the documentation, when lists are configured in more than one place, overriding works by replacing the entire list. It works this way as, if they were combined, it would not be possible to remove or interleave entries.
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