We have an appendix that documents groupId, artifactId, and version for all of the dependencies managed by spring-boot-dependencies. I think it would also be useful to document the version property, if any, that determines each version. It would make things easier for users who want to override a dependency version.

I'm not 100% sure that the is possible due to bom imports and our current approach of extracting the versions from the effective pom, by which point the version properties have been lost.

Comment From: codebuster007

Hi! @wilkinsona ,

I'd like to know if this issue has been resolved or assigned to anyone because I'll love to work on it.


Comment From: wilkinsona

Thanks very much for the offer, @codebuster007. This has been implemented in https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/pull/19898 but we forgot to close this issue. I'll do that now.