Not everyone uses eclipse and this might allow us to apply formatting conventions

Comment From: snicoll

@philwebb isn't that superseded by the work you've initiated with the Google formatter?

Comment From: rpau

walkmod not only fixes formatting issues. It also removes dead code (e.g unused imports, variables, etc) and many PMD rules (e.g null checks). I am the creator of walkmod, and if you could point me out which are the static code analysis tools that you already use and the config files, I can create a PR with the appropriate config/output to run walkmod.

Comment From: snicoll

@rpau - thanks. What we're after is something that we can run in both Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA (NetBeans would be nice as well).

Our current checkstyle configuration is here

Comment From: rpau

Thanks!. FYI walkmod is IDE agnostic respecting the existing formatting in the files that need to be fixed. At a first glance, there will be several automatic fixups that can be applied. More feedback in few days.

Comment From: snicoll

FYI walkmod is IDE agnostic

What I meant by that is that it would be nice to be able to run this in our IDE and get the feedback there, rather than having to run something on the command line to discover we broke something.

Comment From: rpau

Oh. IDEs are fully compatible with build tools and walkmod can be used as a gradle/maven plugin. Would this work for you at mid term? You can see the benefit of the tool first. There is an Eclipse plugin I created some time ago, but I would not want to spend time on it before you check if walkmod is useful for you.

Comment From: dreis2211

Isn't that superseded by now with the spring-javaformat plugin?

Comment From: snicoll

I wonder the same. Flagging for team attention to see what the rest of the team thinks.

Comment From: wilkinsona

Yeah, I think we can close this one. Thanks, @dreis2211.