@mp911de noticed that we don't include license/notice files inside our JARs whereas Spring Framework does. We do have copyright on each file and a license in our POM but we should consider if we also want to include it in the shipped JARs.

Comment From: mp911de

As per the Apache license, the original binaries seem not to be required to include license/notice. The requirement comes from redistributing these binaries, so the redistributor needs to include these files. Having license/notice packaged would make it easier to redistribute Spring Boot jars.

Comment From: wagnerluis1982

Hi, @philwebb. I'm candidating myself to deal with this issue. If it's okay, what files are to be changed? For now, I suppose to be a packaging issue, so it's related to Maven files.

Comment From: philwebb

@wagnerluis1982 We'd need to find a way to add the file when the jars are build (we don't want to manually add a file to each project). One reason we pushed this issue back is we may work on some build improvements that might change the way this can be fixed.

Comment From: codingchica

Do you mean something like the following? https://www.mojohaus.org/license-maven-plugin/update-project-license-mojo.html

Comment From: wilkinsona

Closing in favour of #20058.