In I have this property: welcome.message=Welcome {0}. {1} {2} and in hello.ftl I try to parse this property as below: <#import "/spring.ftl" as spring/> <@spring.message code="welcome.message" args="'Mr','Ahmed','Abed'"/> and the result is: Welcome {0}. {1} {2}

I have make workaround in hello.ftl as below: ${springMacroRequestContext.getMessage("welcome.message",['Mr','Ahmed','Abed'],"testtesttest",false)} and the result print correctly: Welcome Mr. Ahmed Abed

Can you please take a look? thanks.

Comment From: mbhave

<@spring.messageArgs code="welcome.message" args=["Mr", "A", "B"]/>

@ahmedGazieAbed The above worked for me. I don't think specifying it without the [ ] syntax works but if you think you've found a bug please raise it in the Spring Framework issues tracker.