
I just noticed that OutputCaptureRuleTests were not running due to the fact that they need to be run with JUnit4. This PR is an attempt to fix this.

Let me know if there's maybe a smarter way to achieve this in Gradle.

Cheers, Christoph

Comment From: dreis2211

Test failure seems to be our infamous loader constraint violation.

Comment From: sbrannen

I realize this PR has been closed, but unless I'm missing something you should be able to remove useJUnit() since useJUnitPlatform() will result in the Vintage test engine running on the JUnit Platform.

TBH, I'm not even sure what happens behind the scenes if you declare both useJUnit() and useJUnitPlatform() in the same test task -- maybe JUnit 4 tests are executed twice.

Comment From: dreis2211

@sbrannen Good catch. It's not needed, but it doesn't seem to execute it twice either. Anyway, I've opened #20035