I have TLS enabled eureka server. Microservice is trying to fetch configuration from config server throws "KeyStoreException: Keystore not specified" when only truststore is configured. should be able to trust server certificate by truststore configuration. There is no mutual authentication.
Following is micro-service configuration
It seems that there is no way to configure truststore without configuring the keystore even when mutual authentication is not required.
Spring Config Client Version : 4.1.3
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Is that because builder.loadKeyMaterial
throws an exception and we never call builder.loadTrustMaterial
? Can you provide a sample to reproduce the error?
Comment From: KrishnaST
Yes, call to loadKeyMaterial will throws a KeystoreException and the execution will never reach the loadTrust.
Here is a minimal sample to reproduce the error and log. config-client-log.log