I'm using :

  • SpringBoot 3.2.0
  • Java 17
  • Spring Cloud Config Server 3.1.4
  • Spring cloud Config Client 4.0.3.

I tried to override the remote resources with the local resources to develop. It has been impossible. This feature improves the development experience, to test properties and change it quickly.

Example Git Repository with properties:

ServiceA |_ServiceA-profileX.properties |_ServiceA-profileY.proeprties |_ServiceA-profileZ.properties

application-profileX.properties application-profileY.properties application-profileZ.properties

Into application.profileZ.properties we have a common properties in all microservices for profile Z. Into ServiceA-profileZ.properties we have the specific properties to microservice A with profile Z.

In my microservice we have a bootstrap.properties with this properties:

spring.application.name=serviceA (in this example) spring.profiles.active=Z (in this example) spring.config.import=configserver: management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=health,info,refresh spring.cloud.config.username= spring.cloud.config.password=

When i launch mi service the remote configuration loads perfectly. However, i would like to override the remote configuration with a local file application.properties, if a local property matches withe remote property, I prefer the preference to be the local file rather than the remote one.

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

You could take this approach https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-config/reference/server/environment-repository/using-bootstrap-to-override-properties.html

Or if you are using spring.config.import you could try specifying your local configuration file(s) AFTER the config server in the list.

Comment From: ismagc7

Perfect! i tried the first approach and it has worked.


Into config cloud client bootstrap.properties:


And into service remote properties (serviceA-profileZ.properties):


[!IMPORTANT] The properties allowOverride and overrideNone should be into REMOTE properties

Thanks @ryanjbaxter