The latest version of the spring-cloud-starter-config dependency does not currently support Spring Boot 3.3.x and attempting to upgrade Spring Boot results in the following upon starting the application
Your project setup is incompatible with our requirements due to following reasons:
- Spring Boot [3.3.0] is not compatible with this Spring Cloud release train
Consider applying the following actions:
- Change Spring Boot version to one of the following versions [3.2.x] .
You can find the latest Spring Boot versions here [].
If you want to learn more about the Spring Cloud Release train compatibility, you can visit this page [] and check the [Release Trains] section.
If you want to disable this check, just set the property []
Positive matches:
Negative matches:
Unconditional classes:
know we could disable the verifier but that might uncover other incompatibilities or problems that might be outside of powers to self-fix.
Would it be possible to have a new version which supports the latest Spring Boot 3.3.x version
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Which version of Spring Cloud are you using with Spring Boot 3.3.0?
Comment From: DavidHaasz
is the version we are using
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
I am not able to reproduce this using Spring Boot 3.3.0 and Spring Cloud 2023.0.2. Can you please try using dependency management instead of managing the version explicitly
If you are still having a problem please provide a sample to reproduce the issue.
Comment From: deryoman
@DavidHaasz Do you use other dependencies that rely on spring boot? I had the same issue, but the issue was that I was using
which is currently incompatible with spring boot > 3.2.x.
Comment From: DavidHaasz
Hi @deryoman yes so after running mvn dependency:tree
we are picking up some
dependencies so I think that is what is causing the incompatibility and the Spring Cloud error was a red herring making us think its this dependency rather than a dependency within the
group. I will raise an issue with that dependency family instead and this can be closed off.
Thanks all for looking into it!
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Glad you got it figured out!