Describe the bug If a client app, e.g. "TestApp" has a file containing properties such as:


And you call `{CONFIG-SERVER-URL}/dev/TestApp-dev.json'

The response will be:

    "hub": {
        "server": "my.favorite.server",
        "timeout": {
            "server.millis": "30000"

The issue is that for the "TestApp.hub.server.timeout.millis" property, the "server" part of the path is in the wrong place. If you converted this back to properties it would be:


instead of the expected:


I would expect something like this, though I'm not 100% sure that this is the correct way to do it. It does pass an online JSON format validator (using JSONLint).

  "hub": {
    "server": "my.favorite.server",
    "server.timeout.millis": 30000

It the answer is that this set of properties can not properly be represented as JSON, then the expected behavior would be that the config server throws an error. It should never manipulate the property keys this way.

Also note that the same issue happens with "yml" format. The response from {CONFIG-SERVER-URL}/dev/TestApp-dev.yml is:

  server: my.favorite.server
    server.millis: '30000'

Sample I will attach or link to a project that demonstrates this.

Comment From: marnee01

Here is a project that demonstrates the issues. The "" file is under the resources/config folder.

  1. Unzip the app.
  2. Run the app as usual
  3. Send request: http://localhost:8080/dev/TestApp-dev.yml or http://localhost:8080/dev/TestApp-dev.json