
May I know the maximum value I can set for spring.cloud.config.server.git.refresh-rate? Isit spring.cloud.config.server.git.refresh-rate=100000000??

Hope you could provide me with the actual value that I can use.

For some context: I use config server for my application to retrieve yml files that are not frequently updated. Hence, I do not need config server to refresh very often, I can refresh it manually using the /refresh endpoint. Hence, in other words, I prefer disabling the refresh rate by setting the maximum value. Let me know what value I can use, thanks

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

I think if you set it to a negative number it will disable refresh entirely https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-config/blob/main/spring-cloud-config-server/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/config/server/environment/JGitEnvironmentRepository.java#L473

Comment From: Mamtha3005

When setting the refresh rate to -1, instead of accessing the cached files, I see that config servers tries to access the configurations files in bitbucket repo for every request instead. Setting to -1 does not work.

Comment From: markranullo

I think if you set it to a negative number it will disable refresh entirely https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-config/blob/main/spring-cloud-config-server/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/config/server/environment/JGitEnvironmentRepository.java#L473

It clearly says in the code that it may only skip refreshing if refreshRate is greater than 0 at line 473.

if (this.refreshRate > 0 && ...) {...}

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

Yup you are right, I was reading the code quickly and misread it.

The property is an int so I suppose the max value you can use is the max value of an int. Although I can't say I tried that

Comment From: markranullo

I think it would be good to have -1 as a means to disable refresh rate while allowing the config server to serve configurations without querying remote git server for every config request, which can be very inefficient otherwise, on use cases where it is expected to have many requests to configurations.

Consider the following use case.

You have an app where, depending on some inputs, it would pull specific configuration from config server every time. There is going to be hundreds of configurations. It essentially sees config server as repository of configurations and it's being used as like any other APIs. It treats the configuration as data that contains business rules or logic and not just application configuration which is usually only needed on startup.

I'm presuming this is a valid use case. I'd would like to hear if this isn't the intended purpose of config server.

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

I think its a fine enhancement

Comment From: Mamtha3005

The maximum integer value is 2,147,483,647 which didn't work. The maximum value that worked was around 18m. I have configured as that value for now

Comment From: spring-cloud-issues

Closing due to age of the question. If you would like us to look at this issue, please comment and we will look at re-opening the issue.

Comment From: pearsonradu

I think using -1 as a value to disable refresh would be really useful. Our organization uses a internally hosted instance of Git that sometimes has degradation where the pull speeds are extremely slow. We know when our Git instance is in a bad state but unfortunately don't have a way to tell config server not to reach out. We experienced this issue the other day and that would have been really useful.

Is it possible to formally request that feature? Alternatively, if it is deemed that limiting the pull time is considered another issue I can create a separate issue.