Describe the bug There is a new property, that was introduced with 4.0.5. It is documented here: That documentation should have more details to explain the retry algorithm when useRandomPolicy=true and other retry properties are set:

Is this still honored when useRandomPolicy=true?

Are these ignored when useRandomPolicy=true?

(Why aren't the retry properties documented in that section?)

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

Here is my reading of how this works based on Spring Retry.

max-attempts is still honored because that is just specifying how many retry attempts will be made.

max-interval and max-multiplier are also used in the generation of the random sleep increment, see

intial-interval is used in the call to super.getSleepAndIncrement in ExponentialRandomBackOffPolicy so yes I believe all are still used.

Comment From: marnee01

Thank you for the additional information. I actually had also looked at the code and came to the same conclusion.

In the original issue here I had this:

(Why aren't the retry properties documented in that section?)

However, I should have worded it differently and not put it in parentheses. Really that was my main question/issue. I request that the documentation that was added for the new property be updated to include these details (so it's available to all users).