I have a git repo and I created a config folder inside it. Now in my spring-cloud-config server application I am trying to point it to config folder.

The configuration is as below:

spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri: https://github.com/test/tes-service/

But this configuration does not seems to be working. Is this the correct way to do it?

Comment From: spencergibb

Looks right, though we document searchPaths, but spring-boot should accommodate for that.

Comment From: dsyer

Works for me. Maybe you could link to a sample project with a real git repo so we can take a closer look.

Comment From: jonnybbb

Works for me with this sample https://github.com/jonnybbb/config-repo.git for app2 as well. Any reason why not supporting a deeper subdirectory structure like in app1 for picking up configuration files with an AntPathMatcher pattern?

Comment From: dsyer

I don't see a compelling reason to do deeper directory searches. It's complicated by the fact that you don't control the order of the search any more (e.g. which should take precedence, app1/application.properties or app1/src/main/resources/application.properties?).

Comment From: jonnybbb

Good Point! Agree.

Comment From: akkannabiran

As per our design, we are maintaining the configurations like below. config/application.yml config/aat/application.yml config/uat/application.yml

searchPaths: config,config/aat

Is it possible to load the configuration for aat environment from config/application.yml and config/aat/application.yml?

Comment From: gsugambit

i had this same issue when i changed spring cloud versions. the root cause seems to be the change from searchpaths to search-paths.

Comment From: kishoredubey

I don't see a compelling reason to do deeper directory searches. It's complicated by the fact that you don't control the order of the search any more (e.g. which should take precedence, app1/application.properties or app1/src/main/resources/application.properties?).

What If I want to maintain different directories, per client ? it would make sense to have different folders under one repo and use each for different clients.. Also, the way we specify searchPaths at config-server, how about the ability to specify it from client? This is what I am trying to do with no success so far :)

Comment From: dsyer

Most people switch to different repo per client when they run out of road with a single search path. I don’t think we would ever support clients setting a search path on the server (it reveals too much about the implementation), but open a new issue about the search path if you want patterns (like we already support in the repo URI).

Comment From: tjrekha

Can someone please help in finding why this kind of directory structure is not working for configs https://github.com/tjrekha/configs.git

I have the below in bootsrap.properties in config server. tried with application.properties as well

spring.cloud.config.server.git.searchPaths='{application}/{profile}' server.port=8888 spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri=https://github.com/tjrekha/configs.git

the configs located in the root is working. the configs under client1 isn't working. can someone let me know what am I missing

Below is the pom.xml for config server

4.0.0 com.michaelcgood mcg-configuration-service 0.0.1 jar mcg-configuration-service org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-parent 1.5.9.RELEASE



org.springframework.cloud spring-cloud-dependencies Edgware.RELEASE pom import org.springframework.boot spring-boot-maven-plugin

http://localhost:8888/test/dev - working

Comment From: dsyer

Please use StackOverfow for usage questions. It reaches a bigger and more specific audience. When you do that you might want to explain “doesn’t work” a bit more clearly.

Comment From: scorobogaci

It can be solved as following :

Suppose you have in your config repo properties for multimple services organized in folders: properties organized in folders

Then, your config file for config server looks like this :

  port: 8888
          uri:[git repo]
           - billing-service
           - shipping-service

This way you can organize all the properties in one central config repository and tell spring config server in which folders to look for properties

Comment From: gitmykeul


I would like each microservice to read properties from 4 property files, meaning for a service called "myService" with profile "dev", I want to be able to read from the following Git folders:

  • config/myService/application-dev.yml (specific config for this service and this profile)
  • config/myService/application.yml (specific config for this service no matter which profile)
  • config/application-dev.yml (specific config for dev profile no matter which service)
  • config/application.yml (shared config no matter which service, no matter which profile)

I tried several patterns in search-paths but when I start myService, it reads everything except the last one: application.yml from the root folder (config/application.yml)

Here is my config: ```spring: application: name: config-server cloud: config: server: git: uri: ssh://git@xxx:7999/qi/athena.git clone-on-start: true search-paths: ',{application},config/{application}, config/, config/' #search-paths: '{application}' #search-paths: 'config/{application}'

It seems the **_Sharing Configuration With All Applications_** does not work as expected:

For info I am using Finchley.SR2 version.

Thank you.

**Comment From: deepsharma951**

If we have same properties under different folder
|--- application.properties
|--- application-prod.properties
|--- application-dev.properties
|--- application.properties
|--- application-prod.properties
|--- application-dev.properties

we have define search path in spring cloud config bootstrap file
Now we have to load profile in client application then how we can load the profile?
I have define 
but how to define which folder.

Advance in thanks :)

**Comment From: sarang85**

Hello @deepsharma951, @dsyer 

It can be solved. The trick is to give search-path {application} without quotes as given below. It was a little tricky as spring documentation mentions it as '{application}' , probably spring developers just wanted to highlight it with quotes.

In spring cloud server add below mentioned search path-
spring.cloud.config.server.git.search-paths={application}      instead of spring.cloud.config.server.git.search-paths='{application}'

This sets the search path(on server side) equal to the name of client application name  .

now if your microservices/applications- they should have spring.application.name as below
they would be looking the properties file within their respective folders of ms-one and ms-two.

Also check my(Sarang) answer in stackoverflow below 

**Comment From: vineethmaller**


The properties file was getting read when I configured to access git using username and password.

But when I changed it to SSH access, the properties file is not detected.

**Config Server properties snippet**

Username and Password

spring: application: name: ConfigServer cloud: config: server: git: uri: https://github.com/vineethmaller/springboot-configrepo.git username: vineethmaller password: * clone-on-start: true search-paths: - 'ws_user'


spring: application: name: ConfigServer cloud: config: server: git: uri: git@github.com:vineethmaller/springboot-configrepo.git clone-on-start: true search-paths: - 'ws_user' passphrase: ***** private-key: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED ....... ....... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ```

Does anybody what changes to make when using SSH?

Comment From: zacisco

hello i have same configuration like in 2 this posts msg 1 msg 2

this will be work in feature?

description: i have server-config-service repo with configs folder in root and search-paths can't read from config folder,read from root git folder with other-services-config folders only

Comment From: maxiao1204

Hi I still want to specific a folder in git repo from client side, but always failed, my config server and client properties are as blow: config server:

Spring Cloud Config How to point spring-cloud-config server to a git folder inside a git repo clent config properties: Spring Cloud Config How to point spring-cloud-config server to a git folder inside a git repo

can someone help me? thanks in advance!

Comment From: maxiao1204

I don't see a compelling reason to do deeper directory searches. It's complicated by the fact that you don't control the order of the search any more (e.g. which should take precedence, app1/application.properties or app1/src/main/resources/application.properties?).

What If I want to maintain different directories, per client ? it would make sense to have different folders under one repo and use each for different clients.. Also, the way we specify searchPaths at config-server, how about the ability to specify it from client? This is what I am trying to do with no success so far :)

Hi Did you get it down? could you share the code?