I've spent quite a few hours scratching my head on this one, digging through the documentation, migration guides, release notes, but can not get an application to get it's config from a configserver found through eureka : it works perfectly with boot 2.7.13/Cloud 2021.0.8, but fails with boot 3.1.1/Cloud 2022.0.3.
I put a really simple project here : https://github.com/snussbaumer/spring-cloud-config-discovery-first-sample.
The main branch is spring boot 3, there is also a main-spring-boot-2 branch with the spring boot 2 version that works. The diff is really only versions in poms : https://github.com/snussbaumer/spring-cloud-config-discovery-first-sample/compare/main...main-spring-boot-2
I've successfully migrated through every Spring Cloud version since Angel (!!!), this is the first time I can not sort it out ... that's why I think there might be an issue here.
Comment From: guerricmerleHUG
hello @snussbaumer ,
i had the same pb and opened an issue : https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-config/issues/2295 There is a workaround that you could find in this comment : https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-config/issues/2295#issuecomment-1600847647
we must wait for a better fix ;-)
Comment From: snussbaumer
Thanks for your input @guerricm !!!
I close this issue => it is a duplicate of #2295 and it's now working with spring cloud 2022.0.4