Internal service error(500) http status code is return when NoSuchLabelException is thrown in case when label(git branch) is absent during resource request via ResourceController
For example: We want to get file from config service under path: foo-service/table/table-schema.yml Service is deployed with configuration:,master Branch in git feature(_)absent-branch was deleted after merge
To find required fille/resource we are trying each label in order they are configured, so
when request http://
Is this intentional? Or it is a bug? From my perspective it should be 404
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Can you provide a stack trace and maybe a git repo that we can use to reproduce this?
Comment From: vmotolyzhenko
Here demo to reproduce this error: resource-error-demo
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Can you please describe how to reproduce the problem with this sample?
Comment From: KarpenkoAlexander
@ryanjbaxter I've created tiny PR to fix this issue. The point is that resource controller didn't have handler for repository exceptions and in case git branch is not found client received 500 instead of 404 as it is for environment controller.