Hello people, I would like to get some assistance. It appears that I can't invoke /encrypt and /decrypt endpoints. Even if I provide valid auth credentials, I still get HTTP 401. Here is the current example code: https://github.com/kamiKAZIK/sensoric-configuration-service
Trying to invoke and getting HTTP/1.1 401:
curl -v -u configuration-user:configuration-user '' -H 'content-type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8' --data 'dummy'
The application is launched using local profile: --spring.profiles.active=local
Comment From: dsyer
Security (as in authentication and access control) is not really a concern for this repository. I see fromyour sample that you added it yourself, which is fine, but as far as I can see you never set the user passwords. Is that the problem?
Comment From: ekazakas
The user passwords are set using these property blocks:
sensoric: security: user: name: configuration-user roles: USER manager: name: configuration-manager roles: ACTUATOR
sensoric: security: user: password: '{noop}configuration-user' manager: password: '{noop}configuration-manager'
And then those properties are used in com.sensoric.configuration.config.SecurityConfiguration
to build UserDetailsService
. The second block is used when profile is set to local
, since other environments should use different password configurations.
Comment From: ekazakas
Strange fact is that calling this:
curl -v -u configuration-user:configuration-user ''
Returns status OK
Comment From: dsyer
OK so not really an issue with Spring Cloud then? Just some confusion about the authentication configuration. We don’t really field general support questions (even about Spring Cloud) if we can help it in this forum. Please try Stack Overflow for some help with Spring Security.
Comment From: ekazakas
Probably. I will probably have to debug the Spring Security modules, since this is a tricky one... It might be something with security filters, since GET /encrypt/status
works as expected and POST /encrypt
does not.
Comment From: ekazakas
In case someone else will stumble upon the same issue, the solution is to disable csrf().
http.csrf() .disable() .authorizeRequests() .requestMatchers(EndpointRequest.toAnyEndpoint()) .hasRole(ROLE_ACTUATOR) .anyRequest() .hasRole(ROLE_USER) .and() .httpBasic();
Comment From: dsyer
FWIW csrf protection should have returned a 403 for an authenticated request. So there’s still something broken probably. Glad you found a way to make it work though.
Comment From: ekazakas
Most likely. I'm using Finchley.M7 BOM, that pulls various milestone releases. Since it's very new and fresh, that means some dependencies might be still unstable. I'll wait till final release and if the problem persists, I will probably try to poke Spring Security guys regarding this issue.
Comment From: gmcouto
Thanks kamiKAZIK!
I was not able to use the tutorials to encrypt data using
curl localhost:8888/encrypt -u user:password -d oi -H "Content-Type: text/plain"
As it returned a 401 for requests only on /encrypt and /decrypt. All other requests worked fine.
I disabled CSRF using:
public class ActuatorSecurityConfigurer extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
And was able to use it now.
Comment From: elanhershcovitz
gmcouto code did get the encrypt/decrypt end point back so i can use postman or other to test but FYI the spring code will work even without this so a call for config server files that include prop like tenantid={cipher}09844b0f20732b4690b... will come cack with correct decrypt value
Comment From: HagarJNode
Thanks kamiKAZIK! I was not able to use the tutorials to encrypt data using
curl localhost:8888/encrypt -u user:password -d oi -H "Content-Type: text/plain"
As it returned a 401 for requests only on /encrypt and /decrypt. All other requests worked fine.I disabled CSRF using:
@Configuration public class ActuatorSecurityConfigurer extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { @Override public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http.csrf() .disable() .httpBasic(); } }
And was able to use it now.
I had one issue with this - accessing /info/whatever made the config server reply with all from the application.yml - even thou it should have replied with a 401. Adding super.configure(http) in the start of the method solved it.