I met a issue,I try to listen to EnvironmentChangeEvent and re-init some configuration, while i found that @Value annotation with SpEL is not working, but plain @Value annotation is OK:

public class ConsumeService {

    ConsumeConfig consumeConfig;

    void onEnvChange() {

//when i print here, i get only consumeDesc, but cardList is an empty List.
public class ConsumeConfig {

    private String consumeDesc;

    private List<String> cardList;


Is this issue related with lifecycle of SpEL? It seems that, the value of SpEL is not yet parsed.

Comment From: spencergibb

We have only ever documented that placeholders ${} work, not SpEL.

Comment From: kevinho

I get it. Hope to support SpEL next.

Comment From: zacisco

@marcingrzejszczak, @spencergibb

We have only ever documented that placeholders ${} work, not SpEL.

Hello why you still don't want support SpEL in Cloud Server?