Comment From: spencergibb

I assume reading from the filesystem not using k8s api, correct?

Comment From: scottfrederick

I assume reading from the filesystem not using k8s api

Yes, consuming ConfigMaps mounted on the container filesystem using volume mounts.

Comment From: mbhave

We discussed this a bit and it seems like adding a new property source isn't necessary. Here are some things we talked about:

  • If the config map results in an file and you mount it in a config/ directory next to the app, it’ll just work without us doing anything at all.

  • If it's mounted at a different location, that location can be changed by setting the SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION environment variable.

  • If you have, let's say both redis configuration and some MySQL configuration, that could end up in config/mysql/ and config/redis/ @dsyer had once suggested that the ConfigFileApplicationListener could support wildcards.

We've decided to go with the wildcard enhancement and documentation updates as part of this issue.