Describe the bug When push property to git after modified property values, I found a bug that git config property don't be published during testing spring cloud features using spring cloud config webhook.

I think the codes of line no 115,118 is bugs in the PropertyPathEndpoint file, and then i solved the problems. line no 115 remove ':' charactor and line no 118 code replace ':' to '-' charactor .


Sample [] private Set guessServiceName(String path) { : while (index >= 0) { String name = stem.substring(0, index); String profile = stem.substring(index + 1); if ("application".equals(name)) { services.add("*" + profile); } else if (!name.startsWith("application")) { services.add(name + "-" + profile); } index = stem.indexOf("-", index + 1); } : } return services; }

test branch name is base-git-webhook.



Comment From: ryanjbaxter

Can you try 2021.0.2-SNAPSHOT?

Comment From: yoonjk

@ryanjbaxter I solved trying to 2021.0.2-SNAPSHOT, So, has the problem been resolved since this version?

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

Yes it has. It will be on our next release.