I upgraded spring cloud to 2021.0.0 and spring boot to 2.6.1 and it stopped working for URL in format /{label}/{application}-{profile}.properties
It ends with this response:
I tried to debug it and it goes to this method in the controller instead of the correct one.
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Can you provide a complete, minimal, verifiable sample that reproduces the problem? It should be available as a GitHub (or similar) project or attached to this issue as a zip file.
Comment From: hpoettker
I think the old behavior should return if the property spring.mvc.pathmatch.matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher
is set.
Comment From: SamuelTissot
I can confirm that spring.mvc.pathmatch.matching-strategy=ant_path_matcher
fixed the issue
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Change in boot https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/24805