I am trying to connect to the spring cloud config server via a eureka registered serviceId. My Spring cloud config server is up and running , and my client can connect to it via local host. The Eureka server is up and running, and my spring config server is registered.

HP-FETCHER-CONFIG-SERVICE | n/a (1) | (1) | UP (1) -

I have a application that is a eureka client, but I also want it to load config from the config server using the HP-FETCHER-CONFIG-SERVICE serviceId.

This is my clients application.yml

application.txt it has spring.cloud.config.discovery.enabled: true spring.cloud.config.discovery.serviceId: HP-FETCHER-CONFIG-SERVICE

I am using java 16 spring-boot-starter-parent 2.5.3 org.springframework.cloud 2020.0.3.

Getting the following exception


It can see but cant connect permision denied GET request for "": Permission denied: no further information; nested exception is java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: no further information

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

Do you have spring security enabled for that endpoint on the config server?

Comment From: AnthonyCavanagh

No I dont, this is my application.yml file for the config server, I am using S3 as a repo

application.txt .

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

Can you provide a complete, minimal, verifiable sample that reproduces the problem? It should be available as a GitHub (or similar) project or attached to this issue as a zip file.

Comment From: AnthonyCavanagh

Ok I will try and sort that out, but can you tell me what the exception is saying. Why its not allowing me to connect. Especailly since its the correct URL.

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

Permission denied makes me think it's a security issue, hence why I am asking about spring security

Comment From: AnthonyCavanagh

But I dont have spring security set.

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

It just needs to be on the class path. If it's not then I am not sure, hence why I am asking for a sample to reproduce so I can take a look

Comment From: AnthonyCavanagh

hp-fetcher-htmlunit.zip The client

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

I need the server too

Comment From: AnthonyCavanagh


Comment From: AnthonyCavanagh


Comment From: AnthonyCavanagh

Its when I try to use the ServiceId that it gets connection refused

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

Is that the right ip and port for the config server? If you use the same ip and port and don't use discovery first configuration does it work?

Comment From: AnthonyCavanagh

Not sure what you mean in my eureka disvovery its This works : cloud: config: enabled: true uri: http://localhost:8086

HP-FETCHER-CONFIG-SERVICE | n/a (1) | (1) | UP (1) -

cloud: config: enabled: true #uri: http://localhost:8086 discovery: enabled: true serviceId: HP-FETCHER-CONFIG-SERVICE The exception states

Caused by: org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on GET request for "http://localhost:8888/hp-fetcher-htmlunit/local": Connection refused: no further.

I have no idea why its ignoring the service Id and defaulting to ttp://localhost:8888/hp-fetcher-htmlunit/local.

Comment From: AnthonyCavanagh

I bet there is another property I have to set that says use the Service Id

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

Something with the discovery first configuration is not right, localhost:8888 is what the client defaults to when a uri is not specified or the discovery server is not being used.

Comment From: AnthonyCavanagh

Is the problem with the discovery service or the client. Does Eureka server need a property to say that the spring cloud config server will be using it

Comment From: AnthonyCavanagh

I think this is the problem

spring.config.import=configserver I just copied this. is it supposed to be config server , or the name of my config server application

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

See the warning at the top of this section https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-config/docs/3.0.5/reference/html/#discovery-first-bootstrap

Comment From: AnthonyCavanagh

Found the problem or a problem. I am using awss3 and according to the documentation I need to set it as awss3 So in my config server application.yml I set awss3,

So this works spring: profiles: active: awss3 application: name: HP-FETCHER-CONFIG-SERVICE cloud: config: server: awss3: bucket: hp-fetcher-config region: us-west-2 order: 1

But I need to have two profiles awss3,local, or awss3,dev or awss3, qa, or awss3, prod

So when I have spring: profiles: active: awss3, local.

My client cant find the config service , I have no idea why this happening, since with or without

Comment From: AnthonyCavanagh

Found the issue, can we close this issue and open a new one