The Quick Start documentation encourages using the default ConfigServerApplication to start a server. But nothing describes that we can't configure it via our yaml or properties file.
In my case, I wanted to try native mode and unlike the documentation, the contents of the application.yaml file were still being sent to the client.
I think it would be good if this behavior was described in the documentation or if the default app was removed, as mention in the issue #1900
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
That is really just a way of giving you something to play with to get a better understanding of how the Config Server works. Its not something we want you to use for anything other than that. The default configuration is here https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-config/blob/main/spring-cloud-config-server/src/main/resources/configserver.yml
Comment From: ncoquelet
You true but IMO it can be clarify in the documentation to avoid misspelling and waste of time, no ?
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
That's a feature of Spring Boot so any clarification on the use of optional should be done there. But again they specify that it's optional without quotes.