… gh-14642

Comment From: snicoll

@nicce thank you very much for the PR but I am afraid we can't merge this as is for several reasons. Please do not act on this just yet as we need to make up our mind first.

Team, the section on EntityManagerBuilder is wrong. I guess we meant to refer to EntityManagerFactoryBuilder and such bean isn't created as soon as we have a custom JPA setup so that hard-coded example simply doesn't work as far as I know. The JPA setup for two (or more) data sources is much more involved, see https://github.com/snicoll-demos/demo-multi-entity-managers/ for a concrete example.

This looks like a lot of code to be put in the documentation. Maybe we could retrofit that project as a sample and link it in the doc. Or we could link to this repo from our doc.

Comment From: philwebb

With GA so close we'll have to hold off on this one until 2.2.

Comment From: snicoll

@nicce thank you for making your first contribution to Spring Boot.