I'm using Spring Boot 2.3.9.RELEASE and have an auto-configuration class annotated with @ConditionalOnCloudPlatform(CloudPlatform.KUBERNETES). In the tests for this auto-configuration class I want to verify that this auto-configuration is only executed when running on Kubernetes.

I have these two tests:

void should_load_config_when_on_kubernetes() {
    new ApplicationContextRunner()
        .run(context -> assertThat(context).hasSingleBean(LocalPod.class));

void should_not_load_configuration_when_not_on_kubernetes() {
    new ApplicationContextRunner()
        .run(context -> assertThat(context).doesNotHaveBean(LocalPod.class));

These tests pass locally on my machine, but on GitLab CI these tests are executed in a GitLab Runner running on Kubernetes. In that setup the second test fails. The reason for this seems to be that the logic for @ConditionalOnCloudPlatform in OnCloudPlatformCondition calls CloudPlatform.isActive(Environment), which is implemented like this:

public boolean isActive(Environment environment) {
    return isEnforced(environment) || isDetected(environment);

This means that even when setting spring.main.cloud-platform=none to force the cloud platform to be CloudPlatform.NONE in a test, the actual cloud platform the code is running on will still be detected, so you can't simulate not running on a cloud platform in a test.

I would expect CloudPlatform.isActive to be implemented like this, so detection is only used if a cloud platform is not explicitly forced:

public boolean isActive(Environment environment) {
    if (isEnforced(environment)) return true;
    return isDetected(environment);

Comment From: wilkinsona

Thanks for the report. That sounds like a bug to me. Not only will the condition behave incorrectly but I think both NONE and KUBERNETES will say that they're active while CloudPlatform.getActive(Environment) with return NONE.

Comment From: philwebb

Closing in favor of PR #25455