I've update Spring Boot from 2.4.3 to 2.4.4 and got
Failed to bind properties under 'investbook.report-backup-path' to java.nio.file.Path:
Property: investbook.report-backup-path
Value: ${user.home}/report-backups
Origin: class path resource [application-dev.properties] - 55:33
Reason: No converter found capable of converting from type [java.lang.String] to type [java.nio.file.Path]
for property
investbook.report-backup-path = ${user.home}/report-backups
Without ${user.home}
investbook.report-backup-path = report-backups
2.4.4 works well.
With 2.4.3 both property values works.
A similar issue, but for 2.4.2 and Duration
(relates #25878).
Comment From: scottfrederick
@vananiev This appears to be a duplicate of https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/issues/26702. Can you try using Spring Boot 2.4.4 but downgrading Spring Framework to 5.3.4 as was tested previously to see if that works?
Comment From: vananiev
Yes, downgrading Spring Framework to 5.3.4 with pom.xml setting
solves the problem.
Comment From: philwebb
Closing as a duplicate of spring-projects/spring-framework#26702
Comment From: vananiev