GORM Playground Link



Since (if I understand correctly) GORM uses pgx, I should be able to use netip.Addr since it's supported by the former.

However, model with netip.Addr field fails migration.

Comment From: and3rson

~~My mistake: I have to set type as gorm:"type:inet", not gorm:"inet". Closing.~~

Comment From: and3rson

Update: it still does not work, neither with or without the type:inet tag.

unsupported type netip.Addr, a struct

2025/01/25 16:23:29 playground/main_test.go:15 sql: converting argument $10 type: unsupported type netip.Addr, a struct
[0.194ms] [rows:0] INSERT INTO `users` (`created_at`,`updated_at`,`deleted_at`,`name`,`age`,`birthday`,`company_id`,`manager_id`,`active`,`net_addr`) VALUES ("2025-01-25 16:23:29.548","2025-01-25 16:23:29.548",NULL,"jinzhu",0,NULL,NULL,NULL,false,"") RETURNING `id`