More configuration properties are added in order to allow customization for influxdb bean. Also, in order to customize influxdb, InfluxDbCustomizer is added.

See gh-20867

Comment From: eddumelendez

@snicoll thanks for the review and quickly replies. I will submit the changes later today.

Comment From: snicoll

Thanks for the follow-up @eddumelendez. I've polished the PR but I want to hold off as reviewing this made me realize about the new InfluxDB client. I think we need to investigate the changes before adding more properties here.

Comment From: snicoll

We've discussed this and decided to only include the customizer for now. Looking at the new client, concepts have changed in such a way that adding more properties would mean we'd be in a tricky situation when upgrading to it. On the contrary, we could easily add support for both clients with the support that we have.

Comment From: snicoll

I've pushed some hacking code to support the new driver as well, see

Comment From: bednar

Hi @snicoll,

we want to prepare a support for the new driver.

What is a best way how to do it in terms of packaging? I think there are two possibility how to do it:

  1. create new package org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.influx2
  2. use existing package org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.influx and an implementation for new client will have naming such as: InfluxDbClientAutoConfiguration, InfluxDbClientProperties, ...

Or is there different approach?


Comment From: snicoll

@bednar I've shared a commit in the comment just above yours, have you seen it?

Comment From: bednar

Yeah I saw it 😏... I just want to be sure that we will select correct path. Thanks for quick reply 👍

Comment From: snicoll

Not sure who is we. Given that I've already something, it would be better to get some feedback on that rather than working on a separate PR (if that's what you want to do).

Comment From: bednar

Not sure who is we.

I'm maintainer of influxdb-client-java

Given that I've already something, it would be better to get some feedback on that rather than working on a separate PR (if that's what you want to do).

I think that your implementation is fine (, just a preferred way for authentication is by token (

I can help you with tests and support for HealthIndicator.

Comment From: snicoll

I'm maintainer of influxdb-client-java

I am aware of that. I didn't understand what you mean by "we will select correct path".

I think that your implementation is fine (, just a preferred way for authentication is by token

Thank you for reviewing. Let's move this conversation on #25891. I know that token is preferred with v2 but that would introduce a v2 specific property and I am not sure yet we want to do that. I've flagged the issue for team meeting so that we can discuss our options.