
参考 #6105 中的方法进行设置后,使用 Find 查询依然无法触发 ErrRecordNotFound 错误

        gormDB, err := gorm.Open(mysql.New(mysql.Config{Conn: db}), &gorm.Config{SkipDefaultTransaction: true, QueryFields: true})
    if err != nil {
    gormDB.Statement.RaiseErrorOnNotFound = true
    // gormDB = gormDB.WithContext(gormDB.Statement.Context)

        // err is ErrRecordNotFound
        err := gormDB.Where("price > 100").Find(&r).Error

当取消注解 gormDB = gormDB.WithContext(gormDB.Statement.Context) 后可以正常生效。

func (db *DB) getInstance() *DB {
    if db.clone > 0 {
        tx := &DB{Config: db.Config, Error: db.Error}

        if db.clone == 1 {
            // clone with new statement
            tx.Statement = &Statement{
                DB:                   tx,
                ConnPool:             db.Statement.ConnPool,
                Context:              db.Statement.Context,
                Clauses:              map[string]clause.Clause{},
                Vars:                 make([]interface{}, 0, 8),
                SkipHooks:            db.Statement.SkipHooks,
            if db.Config.PropagateUnscoped {
                tx.Statement.Unscoped = db.Statement.Unscoped
        } else {
            // with clone statement
            tx.Statement = db.Statement.clone()
            tx.Statement.DB = tx

        return tx

    return db

参考上面源码发现在调用getInstance() 如果 clone 为 1, 则不直接进行 Statement.clone() 而是生成一个新的 Statement,这将导致设置的 RaiseErrorOnNotFound 被忽略,是否可以考虑在clone为1时,也带上 RaiseErrorOnNotFound 设置呢?如下:

        if db.clone == 1 {
            // clone with new statement
            tx.Statement = &Statement{
                DB:                   tx,
                ConnPool:             db.Statement.ConnPool,
                Context:              db.Statement.Context,
                Clauses:              map[string]clause.Clause{},
                Vars:                 make([]interface{}, 0, 8),
                SkipHooks:            db.Statement.SkipHooks,
                RaiseErrorOnNotFound: db.Statement.RaiseErrorOnNotFound,
            if db.Config.PropagateUnscoped {
                tx.Statement.Unscoped = db.Statement.Unscoped