I just upgraded our project to use spring-boot-starter-parent:2.3.1.RELEASE
Now the Maven Enforcer Plugin complains about a SNAPSHOT-Dependency
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce-project-rules) @ springboot-shgruppe ---
[WARNING] Rule 0: de.smartics.maven.enforcer.rule.NoSnapshotsInDependencyManagementRule failed with message:
Dependency Management contains SNAPSHOTS:
0.8.3.BUILD-SNAPSHOT: Dependency {groupId=io.r2dbc, artifactId=r2dbc-proxy, version=0.8.3.BUILD-SNAPSHOT, type=jar}
Please remove all SNAPSHOT dependencies!
Steps to reproduce:
1. Download a fresh zip from https://start.srping.io using Version 2.3.1, Maven and Java
2. Extract zip
3. run ./mvnw help:effective-pom -Doutput=effective-pom.xml
4. Search in effective-pom.xml
Comment From: wilkinsona
Thanks for the report. That's a bug in the R2DBC bom. spring-boot-dependencies
imports Arabba-SR4. Unfortunately it contains a BUILD-SNAPSHOT dependency. It appears to have been fixed in Arabba-SR5 which we'll pick up in due course. In the meantime you can use the r2dbc-bom.version
to override the version to Arabba-SR5.