While discussing some documentation improvements (see #21077 and #21121), I've noticed that several common application properties have no description in the current docs dedicated section. However, all these properties have the descriptive comment, as visible in version 2.1.x docs which was using a different "template" for rendering documentation.

Some properties in this situation are:

  • spring.info.git.location
  • spring.data.rest.detection-strategy
  • spring.datasource.initialization-mode (see screenshots below)
  • spring.elasticsearch.rest.uris
  • spring.mongodb.embedded.features

After a quick look at the 2.1.x doc page, it seems that all the properties have a comment from which the description should be obtained.

This should be further investigated (maybe also checking the Default Value field too), but I have no clue on where to find the code which does this "description extraction". If someone can point me in the right direction, I'll try to have a look.

spring.datasource.initialization-mode - Current doc SpringBoot Some entries in the tables of configuration properties are incomplete

spring.datasource.initialization-mode - 2.1.x doc SpringBoot Some entries in the tables of configuration properties are incomplete

Comment From: snicoll

FTR, that affects only 2.2.x as I can see those properties are correctly documented on master.