Introduce support for automatic rollback of log level after a given delay. Log level will be set to previous value. On REST API it is represented as optional rollbackAfter duration attribute.

Comment From: philwebb

Thanks for the pull request @encircled. We discussed this a little bit today on our team call and we feel like we need to spend a little more time thinking about the impact of this feature and where it should live. There are few items that we need to consider, specifically:

  • Should we be adding this feature at all in Boot, or would it be better for external projects to handle it?
  • If we do add it, should it be in the LoggingSystem or kept as an actuator feature?
  • What should the API actually look like?
  • What should handle the scheduling, is the extra thread worth it?
  • What happens if another timeout call is made before the timeout completes?
  • What happens if someone manually sets the logging level when a timeout is active, should it cause the timeout reset to be cancelled?

All things considered, I think we need to answer those questions before we can consider any contributions. I've marked the original issue as pending-design-work so that we can continue discussions on that issue. I'm afraid, for now, we can't accept your PR. Thanks anyway for working on it.