Since I bumped to spring-boot 2.3.0 (which comes with hibernate-orm 5.4.15.Final) I got a severe issue at startup (app doesn't even start).

Context Oracle 11g / Oracle10gDialect spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto: validate(because of legacy context, deactivate ddl validation is not an option)

It fails with this message on one of my entity (the sequence is of course existing):

[PersistenceUnit: default] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory; nested exception is org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi.SchemaManagementException: Schema-validation: missing sequence [seq_canal]

Same code was working with spring boot 2.2.6 and before

Comment From: wilkinsona

Spring Boot 2.2.6 uses Hibernate 5.4.12.Final by default so I suspect this is a regression in 5.4.15 (or .13 or .14). Can you please try using the hibernate.version property to downgrade Hibernate to 5.4.12.Final and see if the problem still occurs?

Comment From: benjaminlefevre

I will try tonight!

Notice we don't have the issue with PostgresSql and same code (id generated by sequences)

Comment From: benjaminlefevre

Spring Boot 2.2.6 uses Hibernate 5.4.12.Final by default so I suspect this is a regression in 5.4.15 (or .13 or .14). Can you please try using the hibernate.version property to downgrade Hibernate to 5.4.12.Final and see if the problem still occurs?

By downgrading hibernate to 5.4.12.Final, it works. You were just right.

It try also to upgrade to 5.4.16.Final (latest hibernate's release) it's the same issue.

Comment From: benjaminlefevre

some people got the same issue, a ticket is opened in hibernate's JIRA: