I want to Install spring-framework-5.2.1.RELEASE in local Maven repository, command is gradlew publishToMavenLocal -x javadoc -x dokka -x asciidoctor ,but failed

Task :distZip FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':distZip'.

    Failed to create MD5 hash for file 'D:\study\spring-framework-5.2.1.RELEASE\build\distributions\spring-framework-5.2.1.RELEASE-schema.zip' as it does not exist.

Comment From: sbrannen

The distZip Gradle task was fixed for MS Windows in Spring Framework 5.2.2 (see #23933).

If you want to execute distZip on Windows for versions prior to 5.2.2., copy what was done in 4e5ae54417bbdf1e2e0f37ae3663151df39a70f4 for your local build.

Otherwise, you should be able to disable that task by adding -x distZip to the Gradle command line arguments.

I am therefore closing this issue as a duplicate of #23933.