Peti Koch opened SPR-16768 and commented
We are a local group of developers and we are studying the "reactive" inter-process communication using WebFlux (within Spring Boot 2.0.1).
One of our examples (, question 5) looks like this:
price ->"Got price: {}", price),
throwable -> LOGGER.warn("{}: {}", throwable.getClass().getSimpleName(), throwable.getMessage()),
() -> System.exit(0)
@GetMapping(value = "/question5/slowflightprice", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
Flux<Integer> flightprice() {
return Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(10)).take(1)
.doOnSubscribe(subscription ->"price is requested"))
.flatMap(tick -> Flux.just(250))
.doOnCancel(() ->"cancelled"))
.doOnNext(price ->"published price: {}", price));
(full code:
We expected that the cancellation due to a timeout is propagated "somehow" to the server, but it doesn't. The "server" continues its work although the client has unsubscribed.
We think this is a typical use case and it is important that cancellations (unsubscribing) are propagated between processes.
PS: In a second example using a stream of elements, the cancellation works fine:
The unsubscription is done there using take(1000)
instead of timeout
Affects: 5.0.5
Comment From: deepak-auto
Hello, is there an update on this bug?
Comment From: rstoyanchev
In response to the original description, WebFlux client and server are HTTP based and there is no explicit cancellation as in for example. When the HTTP connection is closed, and depending on how it is closed, and also depending on the server, this may be detected and that should result in a cancellation signal, especially if the server keeps writing.
This issue was opened a while ago and a lot has changed. We've fixed mulitple issues with detecting closed connection, so this should work currently with Reactor Netty. If necessary please open a separate issue with a sample to demonstrate.