leachad opened SPR-17570 and commented

As a user of the spring-jms artifacts, I would like to be able to register an exception listener on the container(s) that get generated using the DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory.

Currently, this method is not configurable in the DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory object but setErrorHandler for message processing is.

Reference URL: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53639178/why-does-defaultjmslistenercontainerfactory-not-expose-setexceptionlistener-meth/53639840#53639840

Comment From: spring-projects-issues

Stéphane Nicoll commented

There is a setErrorHandler on AbstractJmsListenerContainerFactory that is the parent of DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory so this method is exposed.

What am I missing?

Comment From: spring-projects-issues

Juergen Hoeller commented

Any particular use case for a custom ExceptionListener there? Any need that couldn't be implemented through an ErrorHandler through an instanceof JMSException check?

Comment From: spring-projects-issues

leachad commented

Juergen Hoeller and Stéphane Nicoll from what I read of the spring-jms docs, the ErrorHandler is used for message handling exceptions. I'm looking at injecting a custom exception listener for connection exceptions, not for message handling exceptions

Specifically, I'm trying to hook into the exception handling that logs this error 

`[DefaultMessageListenerContainer-1] ERROR o.s.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer Could not refresh JMS Connection for destination 'my_topic_name``

I attempted to use an instance of JmsListenerConfigurer to set the exception listener for each DMLC, but since the containers weren't yet created, this proved fruitless.

If there were some way to have inject a preStart configuration class before startIfNecessary is invoked:

MessageListenerContainer container = createListenerContainer(endpoint, factory); this.listenerContainers.put(id, container); if (startImmediately) { startIfNecessary(container); }

This code snippet is in JmsListenerEndpointRegistry.java:141-146 version 4.3.19.RELEASE

Comment From: spring-projects-issues

leachad commented

I was able to concoct a workaround for my use case and now have telemetry in place for monitoring connections using this exception listener.

Here's what I did. Seems to work with fine running my pub sub tests locally

public class MyContainerFactory extends DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory {

private ExceptionListener exceptionListener;

/* * @see DefaultMessageListenerContainer#setExceptionListener / public void setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener exceptionListener) { this.exceptionListener = exceptionListener; }

@Override protected DefaultMessageListenerContainer createContainerInstance() { return new DefaultMessageListenerContainer(); }

@Override protected void initializeContainer(DefaultMessageListenerContainer container) { super.initializeContainer(container);

if (this.exceptionListener != null) { container.setExceptionListener(this.exceptionListener); } }
