With this https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/commit/eb0aae066c83ae0b7be280bd5c9e0679ed394a92#diff-ea14ba194c2adb7f8aa7f97a2ca5bcc7, spring web Jackson2 Converter introduced an enum set limiting UTF options. In a testing scenario we use "US-ASCII" which was working until now. Since 5.2.7, the controller will rejects requests, failing to decode.
Is that the intended behavior or should ENCODINGS
map include US-ASCII as well ?
Comment From: poutsma
Hey @smaldini, I think this has already been fixed as part of #25247. Can you please try a recent 5.2.8 snapshot and see if that works as expected?
Though this issue is about decoding ASCII, it did remind me that we should also support ASCII for encoding as well, because it is essentially the same as UTF-8. So I will fix that.
Comment From: smaldini
@poutsma good job ! We have confirmed it fixed it sorry for the noise :) Talk soon !
Comment From: poutsma
Closing as duplicate of #25247.