Method fromHttpUrl ends with IllegalArgumentException if parameter contain fragment

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [] is not a valid HTTP URL

Test case:

        String redirectUri = ""; url1 = new URL(redirectUri);
        UriComponentsBuilder urlBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(redirectUri);
        //UriComponentsBuilder urlBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(redirectUri);

From code (for URL '#' missing):

    // Regex patterns that matches URIs. See RFC 3986, appendix B
    private static final Pattern URI_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
            "^(" + SCHEME_PATTERN + ")?" + "(//(" + USERINFO_PATTERN + "@)?" + HOST_PATTERN + "(:" + PORT_PATTERN +
                    ")?" + ")?" + PATH_PATTERN + "(\\?" + QUERY_PATTERN + ")?" + "(#" + LAST_PATTERN + ")?");

    private static final Pattern HTTP_URL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
            "^" + HTTP_PATTERN + "(//(" + USERINFO_PATTERN + "@)?" + HOST_PATTERN + "(:" + PORT_PATTERN + ")?" + ")?" +
                    PATH_PATTERN + "(\\?" + LAST_PATTERN + ")?");

Comment From: sbrannen

I've edited your comment to improve the formatting. You might want to check out this Mastering Markdown guide for future reference.

Comment From: sbrannen

Changing the RegEx pattern as follows would support fragments in the HTTP URL, but I'll hold off on implementing the change until I receive feedback from the team.

private static final Pattern HTTP_URL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
        "^" + HTTP_PATTERN + "(//(" + USERINFO_PATTERN + "@)?" + HOST_PATTERN + "(:" + PORT_PATTERN + ")?" + ")?" +
                PATH_PATTERN + "(\\?" + QUERY_PATTERN + ")?" + "(#" + LAST_PATTERN + ")?");

Comment From: rstoyanchev

@ljosefik what is the context in which you're using this? As you probably know a fragment is not sent with HTTP requests and is not available on the server side, so it is a client-side concept only, used in browsers.

If you need to parse with the complete URI syntax including fragments, you can use fromHttpUri.

Comment From: ljosefik

Yes, method fromHttpUri can be used and we solved our problem with this approach. Context - on backend we validate URL used in configuration. Generally, character '#' is valid as part of URL, so HTTP_URL_PATTERN should validate as valid also "". This example shows that fragment is not used only on frontend side but also as an reference. Also popular OAuth2 framework used fragment in response from server side , please see

Comment From: rstoyanchev

Yes fragment is definitely valid syntax. I wasn't making an argument the other way but simply guessing at this point as to the original intent which was quite a long time ago.

I think we can change it to parse fragments if present. It should be lenient on parsing and also the fragment method can be used thereafter which is a little inconsistent with the parsing then.

Comment From: sbrannen

Beginning with Spring Framework 5.2.8, UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl() will support fragments in URLs (see 9876ca003b996f51fcf567391fb135b58c936667).